| 划词

In the meantime, absorb many infrared ray, the eye ground that the direct illuminate place of orthoptic sun or intense arc light causes is injured, if common solar sex retina is choroid burnable.




copolyester, copolyether, copolyimide, copolymer, copolymerisation, copolymerization, copolymerize, coporabigemina, copos, cop-out, coppa, copped, copper, copper mine, copper oxide, copper plate, copper pyrites, copper sulfate, copper sulphate, copperah, copperas, copper-asbestos, copperband, copper-bath, copper-bearing, Copperbelt, copper-beryllium, copperbottom, copper-bottomed, copper-clad, copper-coated, copper-colored, coppercone, Copperfield, Copper-Fixed, copperglazing, copperhead, Copperheadism, coppering, copperish, copperize, copperizing, copperknob, copper-lead-tin, copper-manganese, Coppermine, coppermith, coppernob, coppernose, coppernosed, copperon, copperplate, copperplating, copper-plating, copper-silicon, copperskin, copper-slug, coppersmith, coppersmithing, coppersmithy, coppersurfaced, copper-surfaced, coppersweetening, copper-tipped, copper-to-glass, copper-tungsten, copperware, copperweld, copperworm, coppery, coppice, coppice-method, coppicing, copple, COPR, copra, copragogue, copraol, coprecipitate, coprecipitation, co-precipitation, copremesis, copremia, copremic, coprime, coprinin, coprinoid, coprinophilous, Copro, copro-, coproantibody, coproatibody, coprobious, coprocampesterol, coprocessing, coprocessor, coproculture, coprocytogram, coprodaeum, coprodeum, coproduce, coproduct, co-product, coproduction, co-production, coprogen, coprogenic, copro-humus, coprolagnia, coprolalia, coprolaliac, coprolite, coprolith, coprological, coprology, coproma, copromanganese, copromicrite, coprophaga, coprophage, coprophagous, coprophagy, coprophemia, coprophilia, coprophilous, coprophobia, coprophobic, coprophrasia, coprophyte, coproplanesis, coproporphyrin, copropraxia, co-prosperity, coprostane, coprostanol, coprostanone, coprostasis, coprostasophobia, coprostene, coprostenol, coprostenone, coprosterol, copro-yeast, coprozoic, coprozoon, cops, copse, copsy, Copt, COPTEC, copter, Coptic, Coptic Church, coptine, coptis, coptisine, coptography, copula, copulae, copulant, copular, copularium, copulate, copulation, copulative, copulatory, copulin, copunctual, COPUOS, copy, copy editor, copy right, copyboard, copybook, copyboy, copycat, copycutter, copydesk, copy-edit, copy-editor, copyfit, copyfitting, copyflo, copygraph, copyhold, copyholder, copying, copyingpencil, copyingpress, copying-press, copyist, copyleft, copymaker, copymoney, copy-money, copy-on-reference, copyread, copyreader, copyright, copyright infringement, copyrolysis, CopyStar, copy-typist, copywriter, coq, coq au vin, coque, coquelicot, coquet, coquetry, coquette, coquettish, coqui, Coquilhatville, coquilla, coquille, coquimbite, coquina, coquito, cor, cor pulmonale, Cora, coracidium, Coraciidae, coraciiform, Coraciiformes, coracine, Coraciomorphae, coracite, coracle, coracobrachialis, coracoid, coracoiditis, coracoscapula, Coragraph, coral, coral red, coral reef, coral sea, coral snake, coral tree, coralbells, coral-bells, coralberry, coralbush, coralene, coralgal, coralgil, coralhead, Coraline, coralinomycin, corallaceous, Corallanidae, coralli-, coralliferous, Corallimorpharia, corallin, Corallinaceae, corallinate, coralline, corallita, corallite, coralloid, corallum, coralroot, corals, coram, coramine, coramjudice, corampopulo, coranglais, coranto, corasil, coraua, coravel, corazon, CORBA, corban, corbasil, corbeau, corbeil, corbel, corbeling, corbelled, corbelling, corbel-table, corbicula, corbiculae, corbiculate, corbie, corbiestep, Corbin, corbina, corbit, corbond, corbula, corcass, corchorin, corchorus, corcir, corcula, Corcyra, cord, cordage, Cordaitales, CORDAT, cordate, cordeau, cordectomy, corded, cordein, Cordelia, Cordelier, cordelle, corder, Cordia, cordial, cordiality, cordially, cordials, cordiamine, CORDIC, cordierite, cordiform, cordillas, cordillera, Cordilleras, cording, cordington, cordis, cordite, corditis, cordless, Cordoba, cordoban, cordol, cordometer, cordon, cordon bleu, cordon off, cordonazo, cordonbleu, cordoncillas, cordonnet, cordonnier, cordotomy, cordovan, cordremis, cords, cordtex, Cordura, corduroy, cordwain, cordwainer, cordwood, cordycepin, cordycepose, Cordyceps, cordylite, Cordylobia, cordylus, core, core dump, Corea, Corean, corebit, coreboard, coreclisis, corectasis, corectome, corectopia, cored, coredialysis, corediastasis, co-reductase, coreduction, coreference, coreflection, Corel, corelate, corelation, corelative, CorelDraw, coreless, coreligionist, corella, corelysis, corema, coremaking, coremetamorphosis, coremetry, coremia, coremiform, coremioid, coremium, coremorphosis, corenclisis, coreometer, coreoplasty, coreopsin, coreopsis, Coreper, corephthisis, corepin, coreplane, corepraxia, corepressor, coreprint, corequake, corequisite, corer, coreroom, core-shell, coresidency, co-resident, coresidual, corespondent, corestock, core-stock, corestored, coretomedialysis, coretomy, coretraction, corewall, corex, Corey, corf, Corfam, corfe, Corfiote, Corfu, corgi, corguide, corhart, Cori, Coria, coriaceous, coriamyrtin, Corian, coriander, coriandrol, coriariamyrtin, coriarine, Coricidin, coridius, corindon, coring, coring bit, Corinna, Corinne, Corinth, Corinthian, Corinto, corioallergosis, Coriolanus, coriolin, Coriolis, coriolis effect, coriolis force, corion, coriose, corious, co-riparian, corium, Corixidae, Corixoidea, cork, cork board, cork screw, corkage, corkboard, corked, corker, corkgauge, corkily, corking, corkite, corkrubber, corks, corkscrew, corkslab, corkwood, corky, corm, cormatose, cormel, cormidium, cormlet, cormogenous, cormophyte, cormophytic, cormorant, cormus, corn, corn beef, corn belt, corn bread, corn earworm, corn field, corn flour, corn meal, corn mint, corn poppy, corn salad, corn stalk, corn starch, corn syrup, corn whiskey, Cornaceae, cornaceous, cornada, Cornales, cornball, cornbrash, corncake, corn-chandler, corncob, corn-cracker, corncrake, corncrib, corndodger, corndog, cornea, corneal, cornean, corneas, corneascope, corned, corned beef, corneite, corneitis, cornel, Cornelia, cornelian, Cornelius, Cornell, Cornell University, cornemuse, corneo-iritis, corneosclera, corneoscleral, corneoscute, corneo-trabeculae, corneous, corner, corner kick, corner man, corner post, corner stone, cornerback, cornered, cornerer, cornering, cornerite, cornerman, corners, cornerstone, corner-vane, cornerways, cornerwise, cornet, cornet-a'-pistons, cornet-a-pistons, cornetcy, cornetist, cornetite, cornet-player, cornett, cornetti, cornettist, cornetto, corneum, corn-exchange, corney, cornfed, cornfield, cornflake, cornflakes, cornflower, cornhusk, cornhusker, Cornhusker State, cornhusking, cornice, corniced, cornices, corniche, cornichon, cornicle, cornicles, corniculate, corniculi, corniculus, cornification, corniform, cornigerine, cornily, corniness, corning, Cornish, Cornish pasty, Cornishman, cornite, Cornith, cornland, cornless, cornlet, cornloft, cornmeal, cornmill, cornmint, cornocentin, cornoid, cornopean, cornor, cornrow, cornsilk, cornstalk, cornstarch, cornstock, cornstone, cornu, cornua, cornual, cornucavate, cornucopia, cornucopian, cornue, cornulites, cornus, cornute, cornuted, cornuti, cornuto, cornutol, Cornwall, Cornwallis, cornwallite, corny, coro, corol, corolitic, corolla, corollaceous, corollar, corollary, corollate, corollet, Corolliferae, corolliferous, corolliform, corolline, corollule, coromandel, coromat, coromegine, coromell, Coromerc, coromophyte, corona, Corona Borealis, corona discharge, coronach, coronadentis, coronadite, coronae, coronagraph, coronal, coronal suture, coronals, corona-resistant, coronarism, coronaritis, coronarius, coronarospasm, coronary, coronary angiography, coronary artery, coronary artery disease, coronary bypass, coronary care unit, coronary occlusion, coronary sinus, coronary thrombosis, coronascope, Coronatae, coronate, coronation, coronavirus, Coronel, coronene, coroner, coronet, coroneted, coronetted, coroniform, coronite, coronium, coronizing, coronograph, coronoid, coronoid process, coroplast, coroplasty, corotate, corotation, corotron, corotte, coroutine, corozo, corp, corp., corpman, corpora, corporal, corporal punishment, corporality, corporally, corporate, corporate bond, corporate finance, corporately, corporation, corporation law, corporatism, corporatist, corporative, corporativism, corporator, corporeal, corporeality, corporealize, corporeally, corporeity, corporin, corposant, corpotendons, corpotentorium, corps, corps de ballet, corpse, corpselike, corpses, corpsman, corpulence, corpulency, corpulent, corpulmonale, corpus, corpus callosum, Corpus Christi, corpus delicti, corpus luteum, corpus striatum, corpuscle, corpuscular, corpuscular radiation, corpuscular theory, corpuscule, corpusculum, corpusculus, corpusstriatum, CORR, corrade, corradiation, corral, corrasion, corrasive, correct, correctant, corrected, correction, correctional, correctitude, corrective, correctives, correctly, correctness, corrector, corregidor, correlate, correlate with, correlated, correlation, correlation coefficient, correlation matrix, correlation table, correlation-radial-velocities, correlative, correlativity, correlatograph, correlator, correligionist, correllogenin, correlogram, correlometer, correspond, correspond to, correspondence, correspondence course, correspondence school, correspondency, correspondent, corresponding, correspondingly, corresponsive, corresponsively, corrida, corridor, corrie, Corriedale, Corrientes, corrigenda, corrigendum, corrigent, corrigibility, corrigible, corrin, Corrine, corrival, corroborant, corroborate, corroboration, corroborative, corroborator, corroboratory, corroboree, corrode, corroded, corrodent, corrodentia, corrodibility, corrodible, corronel, Corronil, Corronium, corroscometer, corrosible, corrosion, corrosion resistant, corrosional, corrosion-proof, corrosion-resistant, Corrosiron, corrosive, corrosive sublimate, corrosively, corrosiveness, corrosives, corrosivity, corrosometer, corrugate, corrugated, corrugated board, corrugated cardboard, corrugated fastener, corrugated iron, corrugating, corrugation, corrugativus, corrugator, corrupt, corrupted, corruptibility, corruptible, corruptibly, corruption, corruptionist, corruptive, corruptly, corruptness, Corsa, corsac, corsage, corsages, corsair, corsaire, corsairs, corsak, Corse, corselet, corselette, corses, corset, corseted, corsetie&2&re, corsetiere, corsetière, corsetry, corsets, corsetting, Corsica, Corsican, corsite, corslet, cortege, Cor-Ten, Cortes, cortex, cortical, corticalization, cortical-nephron, corticalsubstance, corticate, corticated, corticectomy, cortices, corticin, corticipetal, cortico-, corticoafferent, corticoautonomic, corticobulbar, corticocerebellar, corticodiencephalic, corticoefferent, corticoid, corticointegration, corticole, corticoliberin, corticolous, corticomesencephalic, corticopeduncular, corticopetal, corticopontine, corticose, corticospinal, corticosteroid, corticosteroids, corticosterone, corticostriate, corticothalamic, corticotroph, corticotrophic, corticotrophin, corticotropic, corticotropin, corticotropinoma, corticotropins, corticotype, corticous, cortico-visceral, corticrocin, cortification, cortile, cortili, cortin, cortina, cortine, cortinellin, cortisol, cortisone, Corton, cortone, corundellite, corundolite, corundum, corundume, coruscant, coruscate, coruscation, corve, corvee, corvée, corves, corvet, corvette, Corvi, Corvidae, corvina, corvine, Corvus, corvusite, corybant, Corybantic, corybantism, corybulbine, corydaline, corydalis, corydon, Corylus, corymb, corymbate, corymbiferous, corymbose, corymbous, corymbulose, Corynebacter, corynebacteria, Corynebacteriaceae, Corynebacteriophage, corynebacterium, Corynebacterium diphtheriae, coryneform, corynine, corynoxeine, corypalmine, coryphaeus, coryphate, coryphee, coryphée, Coryphodontidae, Coryphodontoidea, Corystospermales, coryza, cos, cos lettuce, cosanols, COSAR, cosa-teracine, COSATI, Cosban, coscinoid, COSCO, cose, cosec, cosecant, cosech, cosedimentation, cosegregation, coseismal, coseismic, co-seismic, co-selector, Cosenza, coseparation, coseparator, coset, cosey, cosh, cosher, coshery, cosie, co-sigma-function, cosign, cosignatory, cosigner, cosily, cosin, cosine, cosiness, cosinoidal, coslettise, coslettize, coslettizing, Cosm, cosmea, cosmecotogy, cosmepolitical, cosmesis,


3G, 401(K), a,


who was 系列

He could send enough electricity to light up not just one arc light, but eight.

发出能足以点一盏弧光灯, 而是八盏。

who was 系列

An arc light makes light when an electric current jumps across the space between two carbon rods.

跃过两个碳棒之间空间时, 弧光灯就会发光。

who was 系列

Tom was eager to see how the man in Connecticut was using electricity to light up his eight arc lights.



After switching on powerful arc lights, they saw great stalagmites -- some of them over forty feet high -- rising up like tree-trunks to meet the stalactites suspended from the roof.




covered bridge, covered wagon, coverer, coverglass, covering, covering letter, coveringtransformation, coverlet, coverlid, cover-point, coversed, coversed-sine, coverslip, cover-slip, covert, covertly, coverture, cover-up, covet, covetable, coveted, covetous, covetously, covey, covibration, COVID, covin, coving, covite, covolume, cow, cowage, cowanyoung, coward, cowardice, cowardly, cowbane, cowbeck, cowbell, cowberry, cowbind, cowbird, cowboy, cowboy boot, cowboy hat, cowboying, cowboys, cowcatcher, cow-day, Cowdria,


3G, 401(K), a,
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